Click on your tracking button on your mini-map and select Trivial Quests.you can always redo the journey to Argus this way. If you did not complete the setup for the portal to Argus yet. There an event will start to bring you to Argus. Follow the path to the left into the Exodar and talk to Velen, then proceed up through the golden Teleporter to the top. She will bring you into an instanced version to the Exodar on Azurmyst Isles. If you abandoned it, go speak to Lady Liadrin (H) / Vereesa Windläufer (A) directly. script for k,v in pairs()do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00DONE\124r" or "\124cffff0000NOT DONE\124r")) end Kommentar von dasbaumREQUIREMENTS before you can start this quest: Return to the Vindicaar Antoran Wastes to complete other. I’ve already done the quest multiple times with other characters, so I don’t believe I am missing a step. I’ve already completed all the prerequisites according to WoW Head. Verstärkung am Halt des Lichts, Verstärkung des Verhüllten Lagers *As per comments only one appear at a time. I’m trying to unlock Argus with this character, and the Hand of Fate quest that Khadgar should give me is not there. Keine Gefangenen mehr, Verringerte BedrohungĮine grausame Gleichung, Kristalle nicht enthalten, Die beste VerteidigungĮine Gabe des Lichts, Der Matrixkern der Vindikaar Zorn der Gerechtigkeit, Überwältigende Kraft, Die Bitte eines Fremden Click on Khadgar and this quest should show up in the list that pops up even tho if you mouse over him on your map it doesn't.Kommentar von amirof The Hand of Fate or Die Hand des Schicksals or Die Hand des Schicksals or Die Hand des Schicksals.

There an event will start to bring you to Argus. The Hand of Fate or The Hand of Fate or The Hand of Fate or The Hand of Fate Two If By Sea or Two If By Sea Light's Exodus The Vindicaar Into the Night Alone in the Abyss Righteous Fury, Overwhelming Power, A Stranger's Plea Vengeance Signs of Resistance The Prophet's Gambit Rendezvous From Darkness Prisoners No More, Threat Reduction A Strike. If you abandoned it, go speak to Lady Liadrin (H) / Vereesa Brisaveloz (A) directly. I had to do this even though I had already completed the entire Broken Shore questline on another char as well as the Argus questline.Ĭomentario de dasbaumREQUIREMENTS before you can start this quest: TL DR: Talk to Archmage Khadgar at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran and pick up the quest Assault on Broken Shore, say you already completed the scenario, and The Hand of Fate should pop up for you.

I had looked all over the internet and didn't find this solution, so I thought I'd post it here. THEN The Hand of Fate popped up and I was able to start the Argus questline. THEN it teleported me to the Broken Shore where I was able to complete it. I talked to Archmage Khadgar for the quest Assault on Broken Shore, accepted it, and was able to talk to him again and say "I've already seen this storyline" or something to that. THEN I was about to do the Broken Shore scenario again from the boats in Bladefist Bay when I decided "screw this" and went back to Krasus' Landing in Dalaran. Then I tried to do some of the Awakening Illidan Stormrage questline. I tried doing the other questline on the boats in Bladefist Bay that takes you to Stormheim. But on my priest today, I could not get the quest to pop up. I had already automatically received the Hand of Fate quest on my shaman and was able to get to Argus easily. I had already done the whole Argus storyline on my rogue, as well as all the broken shore stuff. Return to the Vindicaar Antoran Wastes to complete other.Ĭomentario de KKthxOk so for me I had a lot of trouble starting this on one of my alts. Refuerzos para Asidero de la Luz, Reforzar la Guarida Velada *As per comments only one appear at a time. Ofrenda de Luz, El núcleo de la matriz del Vindicaar Una ecuación nefasta, Cristales no incluidos, La mejor prevención Comentario de amirof La mano del destino or The Hand of Fate or La mano del destino or La mano del destinoįuria recta, Poder sobrecogedor, La súplica de un desconocido